Just click on the picture to see it bigger... Bigger is DEFINITELY better!!!! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boating Fun!

Ted's parents just bought a boat and we headed down there to take a ride for it's maiden voyage! We all had so much fun and we can't wait to spend the summer on the ocean! The kids LOVE it (it has a little cabin underneath with a couple beds, a little kitchen and a bathroom). I don't think they came up the whole time!! LOL

It was a great maiden voyage, complete with sea lions, a huge scare with the boat almost rolling off the trailer into the water and a "visit" from the coast guard! FUN day! :)

Well... here.... pictures speak louder than words!!! ;)

Ok, so these pics posted backwards... start from the bottom and roll up! LOL

Those are Massive sea lions we found on the shores of Sucia Island.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am sooooo super excited and sooooo super thankful because I am being flown to England to photograph Shannon's (my biz partner) little sisters new twins that are being delivered in 4 hours!

Let me start by saying that I have been two places in my life.... Vegas, and... Winnipeg. Right. So, you get how amazingly excited I am to have the opportunity to travel across the world to see a different place, a different culture, world monuments and travel with one of my bestest friends!

We leave May 2nd at 5:00pm (what a way to spend a 30th birthday! ... but that's for a whole other post!) and we'll be back May 10th. Wow. I simply can't believe it.

If anyone has any travel advice, feel free to leave it in the comments, cause I have NO IDEA what I'm getting into!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Niece

While we're on the topic of nieces and nephews... Emme was at a newborn shoot of mine a while back and she was sooooo good! While mom was feeding baby, I took some shots of Em and her "cheer faces"! That's right... Emme has become a cheerleader! I think she has those faces down. LOL

My Nephew

Our neice and nephew stopped by very briefly to die some eggs today (crappy snapshots to follow!!).
Tried to photograph Reid cause he is so cute and has such gorgeous eyes (not to mention he's the only one of the bunch that is still at the age that will give you natural looks and facial expressions). The best he would let me do is take a picture of his sad face while holding on for dear life to Papa. Ah well... it's still cute!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My New Mac Photobooth

So as some of you know, I am a recent mac convert. And might I just take a moment to say... I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Did you know that computers are made to work?!?!? I mean, no lagging, no "Not Responding" messages, no restarting to get something to work properly... no, this thing just purrrrrrs baby! And all the programs it comes with is pretty sweet too! Programs to make movies, make music, edit photos... and my photobooth!!!


Now we all know where she gets her creepy tongue trick from!!!! ;)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spiderman... kinda.

This is Jake's version of Spiderman. Well it is red and black. I bought this ladybug costume for Ash's third Halloween when she was two... she wound up going as Fiona instead. Jake wears it every day now.

At least I know the costume is getting some use. LOL

Edited to Add: Since the posting of this video our little lady but...er.... I mean Spiderman can now scale the entire washer and gets stuck up there about once an hour. LOL