Just click on the picture to see it bigger... Bigger is DEFINITELY better!!!! :)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Don't Know if I'm More Humiliated....

.... or proud!
This morning Ted was getting dressed to take Ash to gymnastics. He was complaining (as he does every morning) that his pants are too big and they fall down all the time. So I, COMPLETELY joking, said "Well hun, you can always wear my fat jeans today!!".

** Just a sidebar: My "fat jeans" are jeans I wore about 6 years ago when I went through an overly chubby period in my life. I keep them around to ensure that I NEVER FIT THEM AGAIN!!! So far, I have been successful!

Ted proceeds to laugh it off and say that never would he fit into them.... GUESS WHAT!!!
Yep, that's right... my husband can fit into my LADIES SIZE 34 JEANS!!!!

As I said, I'm not too sure if I'm completely humiliated or just so gosh darn proud of my man! (Obviously it's the latter, as I'm posting this for you all to read!). He really is inspiring! Love you baby and so proud of how well you're doing in your weight loss journey!


cathy said...

Does he want a pair of mine too LOL!!

Great job Ted!!

Sarah said...

Uh oh Cathy, look out! Teehee.
Good job Ted!

cathy said...

Did you take a photo J??? Hee Hee